Tuesday 21 June 2016

ASM2O Practical Exam

ASM2O Practical Exam – 1 hour

10% of final mark

The final stage of the Creative Process is “reflecting and evaluating”. For this exam, you will be reflecting on and evaluating your work in this class.

Write 3-5 sentences for each question. Copy and paste the questions into a new blog post called “Reflection Exam”. Include as much detail and specific information as possible for maximum marks.

Use the remaining time to finish up any loose ends or post anything that you forgot to post.

Reflection on course work (as final stage of creative process).

1. a) Which project did you enjoy the most this semester? (1 mark)

    b) What two things did you like about it? (2 marks)

2. a) Which project did you struggle with the most? (1 mark)

    b) What two things were most difficult about it? (2 marks)

3. Name a skill you learned in media arts this semester and how you could use it in

    a) Next school year:  (2 marks)

    b) A future career: (2 marks)

4. Choose one project that you didn’t do too well on. Write three things you could do to improve it. (3 marks)

5. Write about your experience working in a group.
    a) What role did you play? Were you a leader, listener, creative director, technical expert, props manager? Were you the one that was always present in class and doing work outside of class? Were you the one that had difficult contributing? Write at least three points about how you worked in your groups. If you did not work in a group, write about why you did not and three points about why you chose to work alone. (3 marks)

    b) What was positive about the experience (group or alone)? (2 marks)

    c) What was negative about the experience (group or alone)? (2 marks)
6. Reflect on your time management in this course.
    a) If you had to give yourself a mark out of "10", what would that mark be, if 10/10 was using each minute of each class to the fullest and not wasting time? (2 marks)
    b) What strategies will you employ in the future to maximize your efficiency in getting assignments completed on time? (3 marks)

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